Music videos and visual identity for ‘Weslee’


Part of a project by Weslee, in which a unique ‘world’ is created for the release of each EP. I was commissioned for world number one. This consists of official music videos, Spotify Canvases and cover art for each song. I decided to create a narrative that runs through all three videos, in which a couple’s home is infested by pests.

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Play ————>

Play ————>

As part of the collaboration, Weslee also wanted me to create some extra materials. One example is a ‘map’ for their Instagram, which consisted of 33 individual ‘tiles’ that together formed a larger image. We are also developing merch, so that is still to come!

Extra materials, sketches and behind the scenes

“Collaborating with Agnes was so easy and wonderful. From the first time we met with her and she showed us her storyboard, the reaction was ‘holy shit, this person gets it!” - Emma

Press about the project


'What It Feels Like' Cover Art


Weslee Music Videos